• PERASPERA Workshop 10-11 Nov 2022 Roadmaps & Presentations

    24.10.2022 | Thank you to all the participants of the 4th PERASPERA Workshop We would like to share the preliminary versions of the graphical Roadmaps and the Presentations: Orbital Roadmap: Planetary Roadmap: FINAL ROADMAP PRESENTATION: PERASPERA Roadmap 2023 Presentations: PERASPERA Workshop Presentations (Download) Agenda 10th NOV: Start Time Duration [min] Activity Description Who 9:30 15  Welcome & ... Read more »
  • The EU Future Space Ecosystems Call: Enabler for the future

    04.11.2021 | The EU just published a positional paper about the objectives of the Future Space Ecosystem in the next years. in-space services (such as on-orbit satellite servicing, assembly, manufacturing, recycling, debris removal and logistic services) will enhance the resilience and sustainability of space assets. New technologies and capabilities will increase the freedom of action, service life, ... Read more »


EU Project PERASPERA: Plan European Roadmap and Activities for Space Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy

The project “PER ASPERA (ad ASTRA)” (Latin meaning “Through hardships to the stars”) is funded by a grant by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Programme.

The European Commission has funded, as part of the Horizon 2020 Space Work Programme 2014, a Programme Support Activity (PSA) for the implementation of a Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) on Space Robotics Technologies.

Space Robotics has been identified by European actors as a key technology for improving the competitiveness of the European space sector. The European Commission has set up the “Space Robotics Technologies” Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in Horizon 2020, with the goal of enabling major advances in strategic key-points of Space Robotics Technologies, in order to improve the European competitiveness. The main objective of the SRC for Space Robotic Technologies is the creation, within the 2020-2030 timeframe, of the necessary tools to ensure and consolidate the maturity of the Space Robotic technologies for orbital maintenance missions and planetary exploration, and contribute to guarantee the leadership of European capabilities in Space Robotics at world level within the 2020-2030 timeframe. These activities will be developed in coherence with the existing and planned developments at national, commercial and ESA level.

European Space Agency (ESA) is the PERASPERA project Coordinator, and the Partners are: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Polska Agencja Kosmiczna (POLSA), UK Space Agency (UKSA).

PERASPERA is a PSA activity under the Horizon 2020 Space “COMPET-4-2014: Space Robotics Technologies“ Work Programme 2014 topic (Grant Agreement (GA) number: 640026).

 Project Title:  Space Robotics Technologies
Grant Number:  640026
Subprogramme:  COMPET-04-2014: Space Robotics Technologies
Call for Proposal:  H2020-COMPET-2014 – Competitiveness of the European Space Sector: Technology and Science
Funding Scheme:  Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
Duration:  5 years
Start Date:  1 October 2014
Coordinated by:  European Space Agency (ESA)
Project Partners:
  • Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
  • Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)
  • Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
  • Polska Agencja Kosmiczna (POLSA)
  • UK Space Agency (UKSA)