Rover Energy

Rover Energy

Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator converts energy from plutonium into electricity.

A video on how the Curiosity Mars rover uses the energy produced from the nuclear fission of the plutonium to work on its mission on mars.

A recent thrust in the development of regenerative fuel cell systems has been led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Regenerative fuel cell systems provide energy storage at a scale that is larger than what is practical with advanced batteries. In a regenerative fuel cell system, energy storage is achieved via the electrolysis of water to hydrogen and oxygen gas during the storage phase. Consumption of gases then occurs during the energy generation phase, with the subsequent generation of water. It is envisioned that the energy for the electrolysis of water be supplied via solar power. The regenerative fuel cell systems can be used to power robots, mobility systems, and human habitats. This talk will provide an introduction of fuel cells and regenerative fuel cell systems and highlight the features of this technology for enabling future NASA missions to the moon, near-Earth asteroids, and Mars.


Thomas Valdez, Senior Member Engineering Staff, Fuel Cell Group Lead
Jet Propulsion Laboratory